Dominic Wolfe
"Whether by fang, or by claw, the truth will pave the way."
OOC Text: Hello! Thank you for your interest in my puppy boy! This page will tell you everything you need to know about Dominic Wolfe from Final Fantasy XIV! For OOC information, please check out my personal Carrd here!
The information presented within this carrd is written in accordance to Dominic's main canon. Currently, I do not have carrds for Dominic's FFXIV AU canons.
I do not accept requests to be a part of Dominic's storyline, or canon. I also do not accept roleplay requests. If you received a commission from me and would like to continue it, please let me know through DMs. I also do writing commissions for this version and other versions of Domi!
For any other Domi-related questions or inquiries, please contact me here.
Art of Domi
Mercenary Profile - Dominic Wolfe
"Though few facts are known of the Red Mask, on this, we can agree..."

Biographical Information
Age: 21 (it is unknown if this is his current age)
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Nationality: [redacted] | Eorzean
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Marital Status: Single, but has several consensual BDSM relationships
Sexuality: Demisexual/Asexual; kink-friendly and kink-active [please reach out to me if this is your interest so we can discuss kinks!]
Deity: Halone (no information currently exists as to why this is)
Physical Characteristics
Eye Color: Dark brown, no light (sometimes appear black or red in lighting)
Hair Color: Violet, with ice blue tipped highlights (his natural hair color is red; the violet is dyed and every now and then you can see odd streaks of red)
Height: 5 fulms, 4 ilms
Build: Swimmer's body, with strong upper torso and legs. Abs and upper half are toned but not built, legs more lithe than meaty. Most of his strength is in his arms.
Complexion: Tanned, caramel in color; his lips have a light sheen to them from his lip balm; darker red in certain private areas
Distinguishing Marks: X-shaped scar on his left cheek and pointed, furred ears. Canine-like fangs and a very bushy, untameable tail. Red, almost flower-like Miqo'te markings at the corners of both eyes, on his nose, and on both sides of his jaw. Wears eye shadow and eye liner.
Common Accessories:
Red spiked dog collar around his neck, ft. broken chain.
Fingerless leather (or latex) gloves, with a small imprint of a paw print on the back palm.
Small satchel around the waist, containing a red Allagan mask, lip balm, and first aid.
Peerlessly shined knee-high leather boots with purple laces.

Personal Data
Profession: Complicated. Full-time mercenary, part-time model for Eorzea After Dark and Woof! Magazine (4.0). Also manages a dom/sub business known as the Red Ring in both Ul'dah (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) and Kugane (4.0, 5.0). (ooc details: he is also a Warrior of Light, this can be discussed privately with me)
Hobbies: Reading, writing. Heavily invested in Allagan lore and scholarly materials, overly fond of medical textbooks and theory materials with a dipping into alchemy. Writes in his spare time. Owns an otter and a coeurl kitten. Tends to wear fake glasses while reading something complicated or during medical play.
Languages: Without his Warriors' blessing, he can only speak Eorzean and understand bits and pieces of old Ishgardian text, as well as Allagan. With the blessing, he is able to speak and understand all languages.
Residence: Second floor of the Quickstand (before 4.0), Bokairo Inn (4.0 and beyond). Looking to buy a house in 5.0 to create his own dungeon.
Fears: Blood, water, abandonment. No information exists on these. A curious observer may dig and find some incidents related to the first, however.
Hooks and Rumors
As a courtesan, Dominic has many specialties. It is not uncommon for these to be discussed in bars or in brothels. It is said that the Miqo'te is extremely adept at using his skills to extract information.
Pup Domi is a name that may have been seen in Eorzea After Dark's magazine shoot archive. Their model is said to bear a striking resemblance to Dominic, particularly in the tail area.
The name Dominic Wolfe is written and listed as an underground contact for individuals fleeing from sexual abuse in certain circles. If one dug deeper, they would also see that Dominic is a "kink informant"; he teaches Eorzea and Hingashi at large about kink.
Careful background investigations may reveal not just his history as a monk, his deficiency in harnessing aether, but also a brief stint in a syndicate known as Black Adder.
Not a single shred of his backstory can hold up to any amount of scrutiny. It almost seems way too tailored, in fact. Most interviews involving Dominic's life are short and to-the-point, almost seeming plastered.
His mercenary alias is, and has always been, the Red Mask. Before that, however, he called himself the Black Wolf.
Battle Profile
Section I: General Proficiencies and Background
(1 being not proficient, 5 being proficient)
Fists: 3/5
Great swords: 4/5
Katana (alter?): 5/5
Axe: 3.5/5
Artillery: 3.8/5
In general, Dominic has 4 different styles: his fists, his sword, his katana (which is a potential only able to be used by his alter, Red Mask), and his axe. While Dominic is heavily skilled in hand-to-hand combat, he is not skilled in using techniques that your average monk would use. For this reason, Dom uses his fists as a means of fending off assailants or for training whereas he prefers the security of his great sword when it comes to anything more significant.
Mostly, Dominic favors speed over strength, but this changes in his Dark Knight form because it’s more stationary.
Dominic’s alter is a being that is capable of harnessing the latent potential within Dominic’s body. Up until 4.0, Dominic has only been utilizing around 40% of his total potential, due to various insecurities that have to do with relying on his rage and inner bestial urges. This all changes after the Nightmare Spiral, where Dominic becomes plainly aware of his alter and it begins taking control more often.
That 40% goes up to 100% once Dominic transitions, making him a monstrous opponent who is not only capable of wielding a katana with ease, but can also mix various techniques from the other styles in while fighting, as well.
It has also been observed that, as a boy, Dominic was taught how to wield rifles and blunderbusses and he has been able to translate that knowledge into machinistry with startling ease.
Section II: Fisticuffs Style
Weapon(s): Fingerless leather gloves, athletic wraps, brass knuckles
Preference: Speed over strength, relying on agile dodges and hard-hitting strikes
Weakness: Techniques. Primarily, techniques involving aetheric channeling.
Offensive or defensive? Half and half, but prioritizes defense.
Armor: None, Dominic pretty much doesn’t wear armor as a monk, and will stick to either nothing or whatever he has on.
In his fisticuffs style (which is the most common style Dominic uses up until post-3.0, wherein he begins relying on the powers of the Dark Knight) Dominic primarily plays defense to his opponent while seizing openings to move in for quick, devastating strikes. Because he isn’t really capable of manipulating aether, he’s mostly unable to use any abilities that require him to channel aether into chakras rendering him incapable of using many monk techniques in canon. For this reason, Dominic is only a monk in name, and this style is primarily used for ease of convenience. It should be noted he’s pretty light on his feet in this style, too.
Despite his stature, Dominic’s fists and upper core are quite strong. He’s capable of taking a punch without going down, and dealing one too. Though he can’t channel aether, he is capable of opening his chakra, with a considerable amount of focus. This centered, focused state tends to enhance his awareness during battle, making him a much more dangerous foe.
Section III: Guillotine Style
Weapon(s): Subduer
Preference: Strength over speed, choosing immobility in favor of more damaging strikes and devastating hits
Weakness: Agile foes.
Offensive or defensive? The Subduer is a defensive sword. Dominic is capable of extending the blade somewhat to act as a shield towards incoming blows, but it’s primarily an offensive stance.
Armor: Reinforced coatee, protective boots, hardened fingerless gloves, gladiator skirt. (changes as of 4.0 where it becomes this.)
In this style, Dominic’s offensive capabilities shine. Whereas the fisticuffs style allows for more agile movement, Dominic uses his guillotine for precision strikes, and as a means of defense against assailants. He’s capable of using gravity to deploy the extension of his blade, which he can hold up in the event of a devastating attack to hold it at bay, so to speak. The entire focal point of this style is to use the Subduer’s weight and gravity in order to damage opponents. Dominic’s still incapable of harnessing aether, but he is perfectly capable of wielding his darkside, which add various effects to his strikes and change his ability roster somewhat.
It should be noted that Dominic rarely uses his sword to stab. More often than not, he’ll use it to slash, flinging it around in arcs either to his side or above, and sometimes using the force of bringing it down to damage the ground and throw his enemy off balance (provided they don’t weigh more than him).
Section IV: Katana Style (Alter only)
Weapon(s): Gordian Katana, any katana
Preference: Incredibly merciless, agile strikes, aimed both to kill and/or maim
Weakness: Similar styles, long-range strikes
Offensive or defensive? Dominic’s alter is almost wholly incapable of defending himself. In lieu of defense, he uses his body’s natural agility to his advantage.
Armor: Gordian armor, gordian gloves, Allagan mask, Allagan boots, all dyed red (various undergarments but mostly subligars)
Dominic’s most devastating style. The alter that Dominic is able to channel shoots to kill, for the most part. This being doesn’t stop to think of the possibility that it can be defeated, so there’s no need to beat around the bush and wait for the optimal time to strike. If you’re up against Dominic’s alter, prepare for a long, drawn-out, exhausting battle, where you’re mostly fending off the many agile strikes from his katana (in no specific form).
Furthermore, it is in this stance that Dominic’s sadism takes a forefront. In addition to wielding quick strikes and merciless demeanor, Dominic also has sadistic tendencies which can result in him kicking or immobilizing opponents before administering said strikes. It’s not really unusual for him to throw out a devastating kick here and there amidst multiple instances of katana slashes, or shelling out a fist to take his opponent off-guard.
Dominic can be removed from his alter form by experiencing significant physical pain, stimulating the fact that he is not in control of his own body. However, most of the time he retains no memory of what happened in this form.
Section V: Axe Style (4.0/post-4.0 only)
Weapon(s): Molybneum metal axe, with a red blade
Preference: Brutal strikes combined with a small amount of aetheric abilities
Weakness: Concentrated attacks, aetheric abilities
Offensive or defensive? Half and half. When utilizing his Inner Beast, he temporarily gains some amount of his alter’s strength, making him a formidable opponent.
Armor: Red chysolite armor, with fingerless gloves and an eye scarf (because it makes him look cool or something, Dom’s dumb)
The newest style Dominic’s able to wield. Dominic undertook axe wielding during the campaign to liberate Ala Mhigo because he wanted to pursue alternative methods of being able to control his alter and his draconian rage. It was during this time that Dominic learned the ability to “harness” his alter’s power–his Inner Beast–and began utilizing it in combat.
To date, nobody Dominic knows in canon has really seen him in this form, but he’s capable of making several devastating, brutal axe swings and able to utilize the bottom of the pole of his axe as a piercing implement for defense. When harnessing his inner beast, his aetheric capabilities go up considerably, and he’s able to create aetheric chains to holmgang opponents. This can also be used offensively, creating chains linking to the pole of his axe so he can spin it around and use it as a scythe. He has only done this once in canon.
Section VI: Rifle Style
Weapons: Alexandrian Metal Cannon, red
Preference: Devastating sniper shots, and kick-down shotgun blasts
Weakness: Close range strikes.
Offensive or defensive? This style has only been seen during Dominic's battle capabilities exam, and has only been used defensively.
Armor: Black duster with a pair of black leather pants and lace-up boots. May or may not wear a hat accompanying depending.
We were not able to observe much of Dominic's capability of using a rifle. However, his seems to be unique in that it has swapping functionality between a long-range sniper rifle and a shotgun. It is unknown what causes this ability, but we believe it to have something to do with his dormant alter.
Section VII: Job-Swap Headcanon
By channeling his residual aether into his mind’s eye, Dominic is capable of swapping to a variety of different jobs in canon. He mainly does this while on a job, or when he feels it is necessary. Most commonly, he’ll be in his monk or his dark knight job, but when his emotional state calls for it he can swap to warrior, as well. And, when he loses control of himself, his alter will come out naturally with no intervention from Dominic whatsoever. The Allagan mask it wears can be used to channel it, but it’s only an evoker at best. More on that at a later time.
[At the bottom of this analysis is a signed seal which bears the sign of a black snake.]
Examples of Battle Quotes (Mostly OOC)
Battle Theme (normal fight): Dark Saint - Nobuo Uematsu
Battle Theme (decisive fight): Deadly Temptation - Falcom Sound Team JDK
Alter Battle Theme: Arrival Existence - Falcom Sound Team JDK
(I added two because the first is more dance-like, which reminds me of monk–Dominic’s canon class–but the second is more his personal taste.
The third more or less encompasses the personality of his alter.)
Battle Intro:
MNK: Puts up fists defensively, with a taunting grin: “Well, if it’s a fight you want, can’t really say it’s like me to deny you… but I hope you won’t be too sore when I put my fist up your narrow ass.”
DRK: Clicks his tongue, scoffing as he pulls out his blade, holding it in front of him: “Fuck off. I’ll cut you in two.”
Alter: "Ah, so now it is time to display my power..."
WAR: "I can feel the chains which bind me breaking... here we go, I'm going to enjoy this one!"
Victory: Shrugs carelessly, grinning: “Guess you didn’t have what it takes to down the wolf.”
Victory (cute boy and/or brat): stabs guillotine into the ground and crouches “Ready to lick my boots now, bitch? I’ve got some rope that you’d look great in, too…”
Defeat: “W-wait… fuck… I-I want a do-over!”
Defeat (up against female opponent): “S-shit… n-now that I’m down here, defeat’s not looking so bad…”
Taunt: “Try your best, asshole! Pain just gets me hard!”
Reacting to Taunt: Growls, grinning (showing his canines): “Oh hells yes. I’m going to enjoy having you under my boots.”
Tie: “Wait, what the fuck!? How!?”
Perfect Victory: Tugs on his collar, grinning. “Don’t worry. You’ll get used to wearing a collar around your neck.”
Final Finisher: "The chains of Dandurand and people of Ordas will bind you! FUCKING DIIIIIIE!!"
--Special Quotes--
Assist: "Yeah, sure. I'll save your sorry ass, just stand back there and watch."
Dominic down during an Assist: "W-wait, I didn't come out here to get stepped on this time!"
Using item: "Eat this shit!"
Healing/Buffing (sadist healer AU only): "Oh sure, far be it for your skills to save your sorry ass."
Tag Team Special: "They're down! I'll make 'em worship me!"
"...or can we?"
Story of the Unfettered Wolf
"He sure can weave a charming tale..."

Nobody really knew where he came from. The Seeker of the Sun rolled into Ul'dah one evening with little more than the clothing on his back and some small personal effects which bore very little in the way of identifying features. Having ridden in on a merchant's cart, he had very little to his name and took to scrapping in order to survive before he was taken in by the Pugilist Guild's Hamon, who more or less became his mentor and surrogate father figure.
Eventually, Dominic came to take up mercenary work in a bid to become an adventurer and explore the world outside of Ul'dah--a world he had never actually known. He falls into work on the Pearl Lane in order to make ends meet, balancing both jobs in a desperate bid for stress relief. One such job landed him in the middle of a dungeon party in the underground, where he was pressured into whipping a patron by a client and found he had an affinity towards BDSM. Not only that, he liked causing pain. It actually made him feel a little bettter inside.
Dominic managed to find success on the Pearl Lane by tactfully waging his virginity against his clients' intelligence; they had absolutely no way of knowing that a simple courtesan was also training in BDSM on the side. Dominic became so confident in his skills that he took insane, undue, risky bets in a bid to earn more money and eventually saved enough to purchase his freedom. He used this purchase to start his own business, the Red Ring, and commissioned a spiked leather collar to symbolize his pledge to himself--to be owned by him, and him alone--and his newfound connection towards kink.
Continuing his mercenary duties, Dominic took up a couple of different jobs, eventually making a name for himself in the Gladiator's Guild through an event called the Carnal Games, and more or less became a sex idol to those in the Eorzean Underground. At the same time, he lived a double-life as a Warrior of Light and a mercenary, performing both jobs on the side when he was required to, leading to long spaces of emptiness in his history where he cannot be accounted for. Towards the end of the initial Garlean incursion, Dominic contracted with the Black Adder syndicate as a assassin by the name of Red Mask. The details of this particular period of time are unclear.
After the insurrection, Dominic left Ul'dah for some time and was sighted in Ishgard. He did not return until Baelsar's Wall fell, when he got back to business ass usual. Eventually, he fell into meeting another Miqo'te by the name of X'ani, and that is when he met Narcisse Dandurand--an individual whom he thought he would never have to encounter again...
"...even if it may all be bullshit."
"Who is it, that knows the real you?"
Player Character (PC) Connections:
X'ani Tia (kitten)
Keelah Se'lai (same business)
Vash Bakeneko (fuckbuddy/mercenary client)
Boys in Training
Rory Barclay
Akira Shimizu
Cain Bonaparte
RP is closed. I do, however, still accept questions about Dominic at my CuriousCat, so feel free to send them.